Viral DNA jump: Insight

Live and let live Us, Human beings have this nature to look into others business so keenly that they might even forget theirs. No offence, but according to me this thing is worst of a nature one can nurture in their minds. There is fine line in being curious and being nosy. Enough of blabbering done lets get into main stuff. This novel coronavirus has caused damage which will take years to heal take it economy, business, jobs, uncertain future of graduates of this year. This virus (SARS-CoV-2) which has infected 17.6 million till date and killed nearly 6.8 million across the world has been circulating for 40-70 years study published in Nature Microbiology says. Chinese researchers from Wuhan Institute of Virology (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan) in early February published SAR-Co-2 is closed related to RAtG13 sarbecovirus, which was isolate from a horseshoe bat in Yunan province in 2013. The authors of same have conducted evolutionary history of ...