
Showing posts from April, 2020


Do you know Worlds 90% population is right  handed and 10% is left handed. Ever thought what is the issue with this handedness? Why are some left handed and why some are right handed? Let us first discuss what handedness is, in human biology handedness refer to dominant hand i.e. which hand an individual prefers or is capable for performing tasks with more efficient way. Well, some say its evolution (because most the instruments including very basic one ‘scissor’ to the tool one can date back to centuries that primitive Homo sapiens used.), But some say this decided in genetics of a person(from the time when a baby is in womb of mother it decides which thumb it will love to suck). Some research studies of prenatal development lead to the belief that handedness is determined in womb. After birth, 39% of infants (6 to 14 months) 97% of toddlers (18 to 24 months) demonstrated hand preference. Let’s get into each of commonly considered causes:   DIVISION OF LABOUR:...

Body Language : A TOOL

BODY LANGUAGE “We talk with our vocal cords, but we communicate with our facial expressions, our tone of voice, our whole body”,  says a psychologist. What kind of body language you can have for successful business meetings, interviews, better relationships and much more since it is communication and better the communication better the relations whether they are personal and professional. Mastering which is itself an art. So, this blogpost of mine is here to help you. Let’s get started. 1 Eye Contact   Eye contact is one of the most important factors in effective communication .   When we want someone’s attention, we say that we’re trying to  “catch their eye” . Conversely, we know that a person who doesn’t look at us is trying to avoid us.     Since, the eyes have been called the windows of the soul; they seem to reflect our  nature.   How can you use it for your own benefit?  Consider a situation where you are a speaker in front of imagine ...